Monday, August 1, 2011

"Meant to be is just a Phrase..." WRONG!

Friday I read a fellow blogger and friend's blog entitled "Meant to be." It's a pretty fantastic writing and you all should read it... But that's not what I felt the need to reply to and share with you all... There was a comment posted to the blog that got my attention.  It was a jaded remark and a thought I'm sure we've all shared at one time or another. But I've decided not to allow my hopes to be dashed or my doubts to make what can be accomplished in my life seem trivial and insignificant... I won't allow any one's comments or belief system change the part of me that believes in my future and I hope after reading this blog you won't either! So here we go, the comment then my reply, buckle up kiddos!

"Anonymous said...

I am going to be brief.Having been through two long term relationships.I believe that meant to be is a childish notion.When two people work out,so to speak.It is because they are willing to sacrifice and commit time as well as energy to the relationship.I guess at the beginning there does have to be some ingredients that go together.However the making of a successful relationship is going to take some work.In short I would say meant to be is just a phrase that says they were willing to work at it."
July 27, 2011 11:41 AM

My reply was simple, firm and to the point:

Hmmm... Well, here's what I think: (although I recognize this blog is "meant to be" more about a person being and not relationships I wanted to address the above comment just a bit)

1. My parents split up and it wasn't because that's what they both wanted... Because of that, I know relationships take work.

2. I have also been in 2 serious relationships and cheated on so I know it takes both people working... And no matter how hard you love someone, no matter how good you are to them, they may not love you back enough to even tell the truth let alone work it out.

3. Call me a romantic, a child, a silly girl or what you will but I totally believe some people are "meant to be..." Set apart for each other by God! A lot of people have tried to talk me out of it, have said you just make a choice and deal with it, live with it, and work on it... But that's not entirely true... Yes, ultimately it's our own free will and God won't force us to do ANYTHING we aren't willing to do but he definitely gives abundant opportunity and blessings... Who wouldn't accept a blessing? Show me those people and I'll show you the people who are really childish and silly!

I believe what the Bible says to me on all accounts and I get my proof of "meant to be" relationships from it's pages :o) Adam and eve were specifically created and "meant to be" with each other, if not God would have created a few options for Adam, ha! And what about Isaac & Rebecca (Genesis 24) God pointed her out right down to the of a water jug on her head and her willingness to share water with Abraham's servant and to follow him home! Rebecca was "meant to be" for Isaac!

All in all, Believe what you will, I believe (and by the way, I'm right! ha!) God's design includes some "meant to be's" and I even believe some of those are relationships!


Jeremy Galbraith said...

Good Stuff!

*AMY* said...

I completely think that God has a person for each of us. In my past experience, I know that it has to be true, otherwise, I am quite certain after some of my awful actions, my now husband, would have been long gone. But I also agree that relationships do take a lot of work, sacrifice,and commitment, but don't all relationships? Even our relationships with God take that...and I am pretty sure we are "Meant to be" with Him also! :)

Janice Galbraith said...

Good and true!

Jennifer Bustard said...

Love your blog you're a very good writer!

Anonymous said...