Thursday, July 28, 2011

I have a dream... Or do I?

Doesn't everyone love M.L.K. jr. "I have a dream speech?  Now, maybe but in Mr. King Jr's day it was not quite the same story... He had a dream that he believed in very much but he was told on many fronts that dream would never come to fruition... Including, I'm sure from his own thoughts.  Not only did he have to suffer the uncertanty of not knowing he would live to see his dream come true but he had to watch many people, including his own friends and family suffer humiliation, verbal and even physical abuse because of his dream.  Can you imagine? 

"I told the world one day I would pay it back
say it on tape, and lay it, record it
so that one day I could play it back"

Oh, the excitement of a dream when it's first begun!  The thrill of just knowing someday it will all be worth it, that expectancy of your very own "what do you think of me now" moment with each person who never seemed to believe in you!  But then a moment comes when your song changes to:

"but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
doubt starting to creep in, everyday it's just so grey and black
Hope - I just need a ray of that
'Cause no one sees my vision when I play it for 'em
They just say it's wack
they don't know what dope is
and I don't know if I was awake or asleep
when I wrote this..."

That moment when you realize you're standing alone in the belief in a dream... That moment when someone you expect to believe in you and help you reach for your dream tells you in some way "it'll never happen.." That unexpected enemy creeps back into your mind and begins to tear away at your confidence... Doubt darkens every hope in a dream not yet born into existance.

Losing hope is so easy these days... Everyone seems to be afraid to dream. And if they do dream, God help 'em if they share it with someone else looking for encouragement.  I know how it feels to have friends and family look at you like you're crazy when you express a vision for your future... I've felt the disappointment crash in all around me when I'm told with their eyes "that'll never happen for you."  Because the truth is I'm not even sure I can believe it totally on my own... We all want an "I second that" on the board of our dreams, just that validation of someone else believing with you.  Unfortunately, like Joseph and his dream in Genesis 37... In fact, in verse 7 when Joseph told his brothers about his dream for his future they hated him for even speaking the thought! So number one is covered, you now know you're not alone...

Number 2 is who does a dream come from?  If your dream is telling you to do something to benedit the kingdom of God you can bet it's a dream from Him... Really, you're probably not that spiritual to dream it up on your own (at least I'm not and neither are my friends ha!) and you know it's not going to be a evil dream telling you to do something for God... So if it comes from God, listen to it... and realize, God mixed up in your faithfulness to Him is all you need to make your dreams come true! "When God gives a command there is power resident in it to fulfill it: Let there be light!! Let my people go!! Let him that is athirst come!!" R. W. Woodward

Just two nights ago as I lay in bed trying to convince myself to sleep a dream passed through my mind. It wasn't the first time I've considered the dream. There have been people who have believed in my dream along the way but there have also been those who have (whether intentionally or not) chipped away at my hope of someday seeng the dream come true. This dream begun years ago for me and it seems each day tat passes has now become one more insult and doubt against even the possibility that dream may come to pass. But when the thought crossed my mind this time I couldn't help but feel excited and hopeful again! Usually I try not to think of it in that way, you know, "be realistic" and not "get my hopes up" but this night I just enjoyed the optimism and freed myself to believe again... Last night my mum received a phone call from my aunt... She had a dream she was sying to tell us about! And, as I'm sure you've already guessed, on the same night I was laying in bed thinking of my dream she was sleeping in her own room actually dreaming my very thoughts! You can take that how you will but I am taking it as a sign, confirmation, if you will that my dream's fulfillment is just around the corner!

Number 3 is the kicker for you:  BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS! You don't have to be a child or an optimist, just believe!  Dreams are realistic in God's plan for our lives and God has instructed us to believe in the dreams he's given us and promised that when we believe enough to follow His footsteps He will lead us into our destiny! And please remember, if you feel like you're standing in belief alone, the God who gives the dream believes in the dream... And I believe in your dreams with you!
And a great reminder that often helps me in times of impatience are these words from my postor "WAIT for God's timing in your life! Many things that will be a blessing to you later on can be a curse to you now, if you get them too soon." R. W. Woodward


Teri-Lyn Stewart said...

omw! our entries are super similar. freaky. enjoyed this one! a lot!

SuzieK said...

WOW! Just read it!.. And anyone who reads my post above MUST read Oh, and, you're welcome!

Anonymous said...

I want God's dreams for my life. Lord let it be! :0). Ellie