Thursday, July 7, 2011

General Hospital - Part 2

Pediatricians - Sunday school would be the obvious comparison and that is part of it... But really it's anyone who pours into a child's life. Whether it be experiences, knowledge, wisdom, love, encouragement or just plain fun you are affecting that child's growing process.

I was at Wendy's restaurant yesterday and overheard the family next to me... The mother and son (probably around 7 years old) were seated with their drinks waiting for the father to order and bring the meal. After sitting the food down on the table the first words from the father's lips were directed at his son "LOOK AT THE MESS YOU'VE ALREADY MADE!" the son didn't utter a word but, clearly embarrassed, shrunk behind his mother's shoulder as she wiped up the few drops of milkshake that were on the table. That was the end of it but I was left thinking about the effects those sharp words would have on the child... He would grow up to be one of those stiff, careful eaters wiping his mouth continuously through a meal... Not to say that is a problem but parents, nay, all adults please be aware of your words and tone with children. Every word spoken in any tone will have lasting effect on the character of each child so we need to make sure we are effecting them for the better!

Psychiatrists - These are the people who deal with matters of the mind... Who through knowledge, wisdom and experience teach others how to sort through depression, decision making and strategy (among other things.)

Mind over matter, huh? Sometimes it is just that, we need to pull our socks up, get a backbone, make a decision and stick with it until we see results. That is one process I do happen to believe we could use more of and I've been known to give that advice on occasion... Most likely because while I was growing up that's the advice I frequently received from my mum. But a couple of other aspects of psychiatry we sometimes forget in comparison to Christian behavior are understanding, listening, CONFIDENTIALITY and being non-judgemental. People don't tell us about their "issues" if they think we won't be understanding of the human condition, if we are not listening or if we are judging and certainly not if we are going to broadcast it to every other bubble head who will listen... That's called gossip and a CHRISTIAN should have NO PART in it.... At least, that's what Jesus said.

Surgeons - Usually specializing in one area of surgery, these are the people you really want on your team when it comes to getting rid of a life threatening disease or when trying to repair a heart! A surgeon keeps a steady, strong hand guided by the knowledge gained from absorbing the text books in his training and prior experience both of his own and of the leading physician(s) in his field.

Most people have one area they feel especially capable with... And that one area, my friend, is the area you are to train in to become a master surgeon! You are to be guided by the words you've read in our text book, the Bible. You are to listen to Jesus, the leading physician in every area and allow him to impart confidence and steady your hand. Also learning through your own experiences and pain. Now get out there are repair a hole in some one's heart!


t-lstewart said...

*like this one, too!

Anonymous said...

I came back for a second read! I love this SueLing! This is going to help keep me grounded to the way I speak to my daughter. I have caught myself a couple times being like the mother you mentioned. Thank you for the insight. Love, Love, Love this!!