Monday, August 22, 2011

Yield = Stop?

I was reading a few tweets just before bedtime last night...And one of my friend's tweets started my mind racing. Charlotte tweeted "I don't remember ever reading that a yield sign and a stop sign had the same function. Weird."

It's so annoying to be stuck behind one of the people who treat a yield sign like a stop merging on the bridge or trying to get into a traffic circle... I mean really, don't wait for Christmas people, if there is no car close enough that their only choice would be to hit you or slam on the breaks and get whip-lash when you pull up to the yield just proceed!  A yield sign does not mean stop rather to watch carefully, assess the situation and if you're going to be safe then proceed on your marry little way!

Of course, those speed through a yield and take their chances with the car approximately 5 meters away speeding toward them at 70km/hr... I'm sure on some level they realize the yield sign is there for their safety but they just put their fate in the hands of the person driving toward them, ultimately expecting the person's breaks won't fail and trusting them to stop before they crash instead of following the sign and ensuring their safety through obedience.  How stupid is that, I mean seriously, risking their own life and the life of the other driver as well just for what? A three second savings on arrival time, smart... Risking not arriving at all in hopes you may be able to shave off a few seconds by not respecting safety provisions.

Comparing this to life in general, it's true, sometimes God gives us a yield sign and we have to make our own decision using his safety provisions... We shouldn't just rush ahead with no thought for the people we could destroy in our path.  Nor should we knock off the pedestrian crossing the road just to get on our way... We need to recognize and respect the guidelines and signs put in our path, it may cost us a bit of time to assess the situation ahead but we must resist the urge to run headlong into a dangerous path before taking into consideration all the possibilities of outcome and making yourself aware of dangers that may wait ahead...  But there are those people who treat a yield like a stop sign, they fear the worse and freeze in position, never going onto their destination and missing amazing opportunities along the journey.  How silly is that?  Just like the drivers too scared to proceed because that black speck they see in the distance could be a car coming these people see all the possibilities of failure and threat of damage these people  refuse to proceed at all.. The problem is, people can't follow you and get to their destination if you're not making any progress on your own journey... We must also realize that God is our protector and because we are to mature and grow in Christianity he allows us to make our own decisions to proceed, he may put a yield sign up in hopes you will stop but it's most likely just for us to proceed with caution, trusting he will take care of us along the way and being vigilant to continue safely on life's roadway...  He still wants you to get to your destination, He just wants to raise strong Christians who can stand and trust on their own instead of needing a traffic cop to point the way they should go and to determine when they must proceed... Don't hold your future back any longer, it's just a yield, there are places you must see and people you must touch that are meant to be either a blessing to you or to be blessed by you.  So yes, be aware of impending danger, be dutiful in making the decision to proceed but never don't allow fear to make a yield turn into a stop, proceed vigilantly.

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