Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cautious Curtis

You may think this blog is a bit harsh so two points before I continue...
1. Get over it and put your big girl/boy underwear on.
2. I'm speaking to myself as much as to you.

"We have an extravagant God but an over cautious church!" TF Tenny This is so true for, what I would estimate as being the majority of people these days!  Whether you are a church-goer or not, whether you're Catholic or Presbyterian, "Spiritual" or Spirit-filled; if you're God believing, this one fact runs through your being... You "believe in God" but do not necessarily "believe on God."  I mean, you know He's real, believe He created all, is in all and through all... And the Bible says you do well to believe that, evil also believes and trembles... Taking it one step farther than your belief. But when it all crumbles, when it comes down to needing help or trusting someone/something to change it around for you is it really God you call on?  Probably not. You Most likely try to figure it out on your own, maybe call a friend or if you're "super spiritual" consult a bishop, pastor or elder in your local assembly. You probably didn't even think about taking your plight to God until you pillowed your head hours after thinking it through, planning it out and fretting over the outcome. Even when you "talk the situation over" with God you most likely were too wiped to listen for His response or to search His already established promises, instruction and declarations in his written word... You spoke the words out of necessity like a bedtime story routine instead of speaking with expectancy of help and request for wisdom from God.

Listen, the point is, if you believe God created the Universe... And He did.  If you believe the Bible is true... And it is (there is scientific and physical evidence to prove it!) If you know God gives you the ability to breath each breath... And He does. Then why is it you have a hard time believing He can help you in any situation, that's illogical! If He had enough in the storehouses of Heaven to create all you see, if He has enough wisdom to feed the sparrows and wild animals then He certainly would be able to turn your debt into financial success (this is usually not a one night miracle, follow His biblical instruction... Quick rundown: 10% Tithing + 10% Saving + 80% living now = 100% financial blessing & success!) If He can calm a storm by a spoken word or stepping into a boat on a tormented sea (and He did both) then He can definitely calm a tormented mind through His written word and invited presence in your life!

But wait, maybe the problem is while you do believe God can help you, you don't believe you're deserving of His help... You're not, by the way, and neither am I... But like a parent of a spoiled-brat child, God still loves you because he created you and he wishes no harm to come to you so He will always be lovingly willing to help you! Psalm 36:5 "But your loyal love, LORD, extends to the skies; your faithfulness reaches the clouds." -NEV the same scripture is translated "God's love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, his verdicts oceanic. Yet in his largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks." in the message version... "NOT ONE MAN" not even you slip through the cracks in God's eyes. 

The last possibility is you do not believe He will help you.  This word "will" can be taken one of two ways - wither he is withholding His help or is simply not willing to help - allow me to cover both:

First, God withholding help:  Unfortunately that thinking is not sound... The word of God states the exact opposite "The LORD is a sun and shield; God is favor and glory. The LORD gives—doesn’t withhold —good things to those who walk with integrity. " Psalm 84:11 -CEV Also, God commands us "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them!" If he is commanding His followers not to withhold help do you actually think He won't practice what he's preaching!? Of not! Since we already believe it's in His power to help any situation and we've taken care of the flawed thinking regarding deservidness (definitely just made up a word! ha!) we know through these, and many more, scriptures He will not withhold His help!

Second and last, but what I believe is the actual issue at hand... The belief that God is not willing to help.  Either it's too trivial, He's too busy or He doesn't want to be bothered with our small problems in comparison with the world at large... Let God change your mind about this one... "What's the price of two or three pet canaries? Some loose change, right? But I never overlook a single one. And pay even greater attention to you, down to the last detaileven numbering the hairs on your head! So don't be intimidated by all this bully talk. You're worth more than a million canaries." Luke 12:5-7 Don't allow the bully in your mind make you think you are forgotten by God or your concerns are trivial in His sight... Have you counted the hairs on your head lately?  No? Why not? Because it's not important to you... Well, God has because even that is a concern to him... If you want His attention, pull one out, ha! Now that He is looking, talk to Him! It's not even that hard, just whisper His name and He will listen.  You're not bothering God, in fact, He delights in you sharing the details and if very willing to help and direct you, but don't take my word for it, take His "The Lord directs the steps... He delights in every detail of their lives"

I want to be like the father in Mark 9 "Jesus said, "If? There are no 'ifs' among believers. Anything can happen." No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the father cried, "Then I believe. Help me with my doubts!"

"God forgive us for doubting your help. Teach and direct us to get rid of or learn to ignore our doubts and to follow you closely, sharing the details of the journey!  We want to be a delight to you, Lord!  JESUS, WE BELIEVE!"


Anonymous said...

I actually pulled a piece of my hair out just to take a minute and reflect on what you've said. haha I may be a geek but I enjoyed this read! Very delightful Sue Ling :P

*AMY* said...

Well said, my friend! I 100% agree! Thanks for the blessing!

Praise Him!!! \0/

Jessica Doucet via Twitter said...

I absolutely LOVED reading your new blog post!! Keep them coming and keep on speaking the truth! :)