Thursday, August 29, 2013

No Matter What

So... I read an article on a so-called new "Christian Religion" being an "all-inclusive, no matter what, all roads lead to heaven" sort of outlook that's spreading quite fast in Texas where the "founder's" church is located... The founder has stated the Apostle Peter, John & Paul are misguided, incorrect and need rebuking for their stance on sin keeping people out of heaven. And that God will allow everyone into heaven no matter what... Here's the thing, that outlook is nothing new at all, it's been around since bible times. But here's the other thing, it's not truthful. I get it, we all wish this thing was easy sometimes but truthfully, it isn't easy, that's why His "power [strength] is made perfect in our weakness."  We need His power to save us. We need his strength to get into heaven.  If someone gives you a road map to get home would you burn it and wander aimlessly, hoping that sometime you will stumble upon the right home and you will be welcomed in? Of course not! That would be senseless, at best you would arrive after the door of welcome had been shut, at worst you would starve yourself and those travelling with you on your journey. In any situation we can get help, we take it, if we have to work hard for years to reach a goal, we do it... Why not work hard to be with God, with his strength and his word we can do this!

The basis of the article I read was since all have fallen short, no one can be holy and no one can be sinless then God must allow everyone, no matter how they live, into heaven... Okay, I don't even know how to respond to this... Ummm, no, but God is not now, nor has he ever looked for perfection from his creation (us) but if we think and study the Word it's clear God has made us in His image... And since I'm pretty sure God doesn't look in his mirror and see my mug in the morning it must be the one thing every human has in common... And there is something... We all search to be loved, that's exactly what God is searching for, people who love him... And if you love someone you do what you need to do in order to be with them... If they are allergic to peanuts you usually wouldn't smother your lips in peanut butter before they come over because it would not be acceptable to the relationship... And like that kind of relationship requires some changing, so does a relationship with our creator.
Secondly, that premise presented is that God loves everyone in spite of their sin and will welcome every person into heaven, regardless of whether they are reveling in sin or not... Because all sin is the same in the eyes of God and no one is without sin so God just basically has to take what he can get, and since we can't be perfect he has removed all requirement to strive for bettering ourselves. YES, all sin is the same in His eyes, NO none of us can ever be perfect and YES God loves us in spite of sin!! That's why Jesus died on the cross and rose again, triumphant, to pardon our sins... But just like there is no pardon from conviction in our court systems without some action on our part there is no pardon for sin without some action on our part.  God and sin cannot dwell together so we must repent from sin (which is more than a feeling, it's an action... When a sergeant shouts "repent" to his soldiers they turn around and go forward in the opposite direction) we must also be washed of our sins (Baptism - by emersion in Jesus name, just like Jesus baptized) and then we are empty of sin and God can fill us with his Spirit giving us the power we need to change! Lack of action on our part, continuing to live in sin day after day when we know to do better is not respecting what God gave us in the Cross of Calvary and the Resurrection. Kind of like saying "It's nice that you love me God, but I'm going to continue doing all the things I know displease you and if you really love me you'll just overlook it..." Your mother would probably be able to fill you in on what the response to a statement like this would be if you don't already know :) While Jesus does love us, he does not just make everything easy on us... There are requirements if we are to live under his roof, just like a parent doesn't allow their child to live rule-less because they know they cannot possibly live perfectly, neither does God allow his children to live "rule-less." Just like a parent will correct their child when they are seen making a mistake that could harm them, so does Christ with us. So while I agree that God loves all of us no matter what, that cannot mean he will allow us - with all of our sin - into heaven without having followed the plan of salvation (repentance, baptism & infilling of his spirit) to get us there, it's His spirit in us that will give us our ticket into the Holy City! 
As far as proving this person wrong, the Bible does that adequately... Jesus, in his own words, did that many times, and if this "Christian Religion" pays no attention to the words of the Christ I'm pretty sure that would make it a non-CHRISTian religion in the first place. Anyhoo.... Here's how I think we need to "deal with it" instead of concentrating on "proving it wrong" we need to concentrate on being the church Christ instructed us to be! REACH, spread the Gospel as Christ taught it, speak from the Word only, don't add to it, don't subtract from it. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak, so let's just buck up and not get our eyes on non-sense, keep them looking up!  God's spirit will take care of any situation, he will bless those who follow His Word so don't worry about the rest!

Also see: Sin Permit

1 comment:

Carol said...

This is a must read for every believer. Very well explained.