Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shopping is Dangerous: Adopting is Not!

Hi honeys!  Again today I really don't have a whole lot to write to you all :o(  I think I just need some time off, you know to re-group and relax... Hopefully the Christmas Holiday will bring that to me and I will also be able to get some writing done for you all.

I'm going shopping downtown tonight! Yes, I am excited... I don't do much shopping downtown anymore and especially in the winter time... I do admit it has been a warmer than ever winter but I'm still a bit of a wimp! ha! Not to mention you are apparently taking your very life in your hands to shop downtown these days as I learned from CTV Atlantic tweeting stories like this one: Really, I haven't even been shopping at the mall as much as I should be this time of year... Time to shop for every one's Christmas presents is another thing I hope the Christmas Holiday will bring me!

Since I'm less than interesting with my blogging today I'll try to help Fredericton SPCA and ask you all to donate something to the animals for the Holiday season! It could be a couple of old toys, blankets or a couple of bucks, anything and everything is helpful! Better yet adopt a sweetie and give it to your kiddos for a present or foster some fur babies so they don't have to be alone for Christmas! Here is the website and if you're not near by find the closest SPCA or Shelter to you and do the same! After all, "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." -James D. Miles as tweeted by Inspire_Us

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