Thursday, January 28, 2010

Anything you can do I can do Better!

I don't think I'm better than anyone else... But I find that thought becoming disgustingly prevelant in my generation and that's what I want to tackle...

First of all, we need to be careful what we say about others.  The opinions we form based on a person's choice in any given life situations not being "the same" (which really denotes the decision not being as good or being incorrect) as the decision we would arrive at given the same circumstance has got to stop... After all, we are not in the same circumstances and cannot possibly understand the battle waged on that person's mind...  We can't be given the same circumstance as another, without going back in time and reliving our life with the same people, places and thoughts as the person we are judging (I know we are getting really great at candy coating everything to make others think we are not judgmental but, unless our conscience is seared, we know that is exactly the way we are acting at times.) So let's just be honest, if only with ourselves (don't worry this is not something you have to voice outside your own soul) we are innately judgmental, it doesn't make you a horrible person, it makes us human... But the fact "it's human nature" doesn't excuse the behavior and we need to become aware of it so we can fight against it in our own lives. If you remember this scripture it should help... Call it Karma if you want to, it's all in God's word - Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." - NIV.

I saw a challenge/quote on a friend's FaceBook status today, I'm going to do it and I challenge you to try it as well!  "There are two types of fasting for the tongue. One food and the other criticism. Try fasting one day from saying anything critical." -TF Tenney

Another issue I would like to write about is if someone is doing what you deem to be unnecessary in their relationship with God, unless it's harmful to others or that person, "BE QUIET!!" Seriously, if they are wrong and they really don't have to "go that far" in serving God, if he really doesn't care about a particular issue, they will still come to the same end result as they would if they had not followed through with that particular habit.  If an action is not taking someone away from God who are you to tell them not to continue going a possibly extra mile for Him? Let's say you refuse to listen to reason and you tell them not to continue going that "extra mile"...  What if they end up coming short in the end?  Are you prepared to take responsibility for your words?  I'm sure there are things I do for my family that aren't necessary for me to earn their love but that doesn't mean I should stop "going out of my way" for my family; most times it's more about me wanting show my love or to make them proud rather than things I believe I "need" to do to earn their respect and acceptance. 

We are a generation obsessed with the lives of others.  Some of the personal moments we watch on TV would get us arrested if it were our neighbors window we were watching... And I'm not bashing "reality TV,"  trust me, I can keep up with the best of them!  But in our own reality we have got to get the common sense of when things are "none of our business" back and react accordingly...  It's ok to back away from a conversation, thought or action if, even in the middle, we get that familiar whisper of "should I?"   No, we've silenced our emotions and conscience to make us stronger but instead of the desired result it's only lead to our attacks within our own camp...  We lose friendships, morals, respect, reputation and for what?  So we can "get it off our chest" and pillow our head on regret?  Maybe you don't feel regretful at this point, maybe you've passed that stage but there was a time, remember it, those moments tried to save you from the place you've now arrived.  Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  So let's stop the insanity and let others be.

Each person is at a different stage in the same existence. I am very lucky to have been raised in the way I have been and equally as lucky to be part of the family I am.  I've chosen my friends carefully and had to make choices to lose relationships that once meant a lot to me so that the people I'm surrounded with are more likely to build me up and help me through rather than tear me down and drag me out. It's taken many hard choices and moments of surrender to get me to this place; I'm now surrounded with people who posses characteristics I desire to cultivate in my own life. If I (and you) choose to listen there is much to gain from every relationship in life. Because of the people I've chosen to surround me being supportive and trustworthy the life decisions I've been faced with have been made much easier.

After everything I've written here I come to the conclusion that I'm not better (and neither are you if you come from a "good background" or have an amazing heritage and have had "good sense" poured into your mind) but I am blessed! If you're reading thinking "well good for you" I'm only telling you of my blessing for you to realize it's not just designed for me, the opportunity presented to me is now presented to you... I'm "paying it forward"...  I can't tell you it will "come easy" and "sometimes the cross gets hard to bear" but make the right choices (even when they are the hard choices, which they usually are) and then think of where you were (or could have been) to where you are just a while down life's path you will know it's worth every struggled step.  Another point: being blessed has nothing to do with who I am, who you are or who either of us try to be:  it has everything to do with who and what we choose to serve, follow after, give our time to and try to be close to!  Let's make our decisions count for our own lives and while hoping others do as well not judge the painting by one stroke on the canvas, we cannot know the future or the past of another, give the benefit of the doubt and offer any support and love you can but, it must be without judgement or criticism.

Joshua 24:15 "But if you think it evil to worship the LORD, then choose right now! Will you worship the same idols your ancestors did? Or since you're living on land that once belonged to the Amorites, maybe you'll worship their gods. I won't. My family and I are going to worship and obey the LORD!" - CEV

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