Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hotel for Dogs!

I love my pup! Miss him when I'm away, take him with me whenever I can... Actually, I snuck him into a hotel last year... It was a new hotel so when we booked the room I had assumed it would be pet friendly, most are these days, but my aunt asked the lady at the front desk and it wasn't...

I decided it would be too mean to leave the pup outside, in the car, all night and snuck him in... Well, in reality I bribed my mum to carry him in with a baby blanket over him and I would walk behind to make sure his head stayed covered, (which didn't actually work out so well anyway) good thing no one stopped us and asked to see the "baby," ha! There were also had HUGE "no pets allowed" signs posted everywhere as we were sneaking to our room through the back. 

Sneaking a hairy little baby in the back door late at night was the easy part; in the morning there were people everywhere and not as subdued as they had been the night before... Plus, since I had bribed mum the night before to by telling her it was "too cold for him to stay in the car, not to mention he would be scared all alone in the dark, and what if someone stole him!!??" Her response was telling she would not be helping me sneak him out in the morning...   I had to come up with a plan, some way to conceal him on the way out, I didn't dare take him with a baby blanket over him after thinking about all the things that could have gone wrong with that process the night before. 

The dog likes tooth paste.  I know that's strange but he loves anything minty and I found out about his weakness for tooth paste when he was a pup; the veterinarian told me to brush his teeth and at the point I didn't know they make doggie tooth paste so... I only had a few tools I could use (I definitely feel like MacGiver while describing this ha!) After contemplating my options I decided my cloth over-night bag would be the safest for the pup to be carried in, at least he would be able to breath...  I emptied my clothes out of the over-night bag and squeezed a little bit of toothpaste in.  The pup hopped in the bag and I quickly zipped it closed.  Thankfully, no one seemed to notice the bag moving as I was rushing down the stairs and out the door and even better, the dog didn't bark at the voices in the hallways! When I finally got to my car there was a man and his son playing tetris getting their luggage in the trunk of their car (which was right beside mine)... I could see they would be a while fitting it all in and there were also a few people just walking around the parking lot I'm not sure if that always happens and I just never noticed it before but really, why would you just walk around the parking lot of a hotel?  Hello, they have a gym INSIDE, people!  Then again, it could have just been my conscience making me feel they were just lurking around, haha!) To make sure no one suspected anything was going on while opening the car door and carefully placing my puppy bearing bag on the floor in the back, I loudly, in a tone as if I were speaking to a young child, said things like "oh!!  Good boy for staying all by yourself in the car all night!! You're a brave little puppy!!" Then I unzipped the bag grabbed his leash and hooked it to his collar to take him for a little walk and washroom brake. 

Just an FYI in case you're sneaking your pet into a hotel some day, toothpaste in an over-night bag that you then have to pack your clothes back into may not be such a good plan... Oh and did I mention we were staying at a hotel because there was a wedding that weekend so the clothes I got to pack in the now tooth paste covered over-night bag were really dressy clothes... Niiice!

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