Thursday, July 19, 2012

Angry Birds & Cross Words

Yesterday just before I left work the phone rang... Decision time: it's 5:02, do I answer?  I'm not sure where anyone else stands on this issue or even where the right place to stand would be so I'll keep my personal opinion out of that.  I did answer last night's late call... Mistake # 1. Some lawyer in Ontario proceeded to not even say hello, just "I want to speak with ______ immediately!" And trust me, that exclamation point is there purposely.  Anyway I stated our office was actually closed at 5:00 but I could have the person they were looking for call them in the morning.  Without me giving any names or enough information away for any of you to figure anything out, let me just say that offer was mistake # 2 and "cross words doesn't really even touch the explanation of what I got to experience lat night. The lawyer in Ontario proceeded to explain his whole situation and, of course, helpful me (rolling my eyes) thought I should offer suggestions of "this will make it okay" sort of solutions... Mistake # 3 and 4.  My offer was met with "OH, YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE LAW DO YOU!?" along with some other belittling phrases I care not to share... Next thing I know it's 6:00 pm and that lawyer is still on the phone...  Although, venting that little bit is probably good therapy for me, the real reason I share this story is not to vent... It's because after listening to God's word through my pastor, Raymond Woodward, and reading it for myself last night, I awoke this morning and found a different perspective...

I hate conflict, I never understand what it is that makes people want to rip someone else (especially someone they don't even know) to sheds verbally. Alas, when my temper gets the best of me, I've been known to say some hurtful words myself... And before you start puffing yourself up in your own mind think about some of the words you're ashamed you've said to people.  The thing is, we can't get away from it, even if we lived lives of perfect harmony toward others there would be some jerk who would have to come and be angry because you're just too peaceful or something.  My boss always says "no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy.  Try to think of it from their perspective."  I suppose he has a point... Okay, okay I know he does, it's good advice, and if you can follow it kudos to you! 

I, personally, am usually in such a state I don't want to see it from their perspective... I'm of that "there's no excuse" school of thought. The problem with that? There kind of is an excuse, I mean, even if someone is just plain idiotic, that's an excuse in itself.  People just don't get it, we've been raised to do whatever feels good to you at any given moment, climb that ladder, do whatever you have to do to make life better for ourselves... But if we've been raised that way we've not been raised according to scripture.  God has always taught us to prefer others, lift others up, love our neighbors... You know the 1st shall be last and all that "servanty stuff".

My last and most important realization about all this "how do I deal with an angry bird?" matter is found no-so-buried in the pages of the Bible... "Father forgive them, for the know not what they do." Luke 23:34   Listen, us Christians of all people are the ones without excuse, we are supposed to "get it..." but I'll be honest, yesterday when I was being reamed out by the angry bird on the other end of the telephone line I wasn't really thinking any "Father forgive" type thoughts... Maybe "Father pile-drive..." hah, that was a joke, sort of... As a Christian though I must understand that people have not given their lives over to Christ are still living their lives under the oppressive dictatorship of sin and death. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden it introduced death and we've had no opt. out box to check ever since... But the moment "It is finished" was spoken by Jesus... It really was!  We now live under his authority, above sin and beyond death!  (I just need to take a moment to say "I love Jesus! He's been so good to me and although I don't deserve five minutes of His love I've received a whole lifetime and more!  Thank you God!") However, people who have not experienced a life change with God yet really cannot be expected to realize what they are doing when they are in the middle of conflict... I rarely get it right and I've had YEARS experience at this Christianity thing.

So what am I saying? Maybe we get angry with the wrong bird...  Maybe it's not really the people but the force behind it we should be in conflict with.... Maybe we need to pray more and vent, yell and/or whine less!  Maybe we should be saying "Father forgive them" in the middle of the fight instead of "Father forgive me for what I'm about to say/do."  I know all this won't come easy, I know it will take a little or maybe a lot of time but it will come.  Jesus told us not to be surprised if the world hates us because they hated Him so let's not be surprised... Jesus knew they hated Him and He also knew they couldn't help themselves... He knew something we MUST remember: Angry birds don't even know what they're doing or why they are doing it. 

So next time you're in the heat of a scream fest like I was just zone out for a second and Remember these things:
  1. It's not really even coming from that person, it's coming from sin and death.
  2. They don't see themselves as the "bad guy."
  3. They just don't "get it."
  4. Most importantly remember the words of Jesus in His most hurtful moment and say with Him "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First time I've ever read your blog, but you said it would be worth it, so I believed you. GOOD STUFF GIRL!
Wendi M