Monday, November 14, 2011

Rainy Days & Mondays

Oh my goodness! What a day... Is there a full moon coming because there are a lot of crazy acting people out and about right now! Ugh!  I am not the type to usually hate Monday's, it's always just been a day in the week to me, no better and no worse than any other.... But today, oh today.

I'm sure a lot of you can relate and it doesn't even matter that it's a Monday or why it was a bad day... It doesn't matter if the rain is literal or figurative... A bad day is a bad day... Any shape, each form and for any reason or many reasons. And here's the thing about these rainy days and bad days, we all have them.  Some of us try to wear a smile through the bad days and others just let it all display on their face.

Bad days are normal, we aren't pessimists because we admit they are a reality.... We are not Debbie Downers just because we notice the rain pouring down.  Bad days come, the Bible says "the Lord makes the rain fall on the just and the unjust," we cannot escape whether we are following God or not.

But rainy days come to water the flowers in our lives... If there is only sun every flower will wilt away. You know as well as I that somewhere around the third week of summer (if not sooner) people start complaining of the heat, if only they could get a reprieve from that sun! During a dry summer everyone prays for a little rain to water the earth... And if the rain doesn't come people worry about a fire starting!  In the same way, if we only have blessings, sunshine and good days we will forget they are... well, good. It's like being a spoiled child, if we only have and see good things in our lives and around us we quickly become entitled instead of grateful. I'm not saying we have to enjoy the rain but we should remember the purpose.  If we know there is purpose in the rain we can at the very least.

Just like the rain our bad days come to fade into dusk and a new morning brings with it a clean slate, new promises and a fresh start.  Bad days come to pass not to stay. And those bad days are what allow us to be able to gauge what a good day is.  Listen, my life hasn't been all sunshine, and not just because of a bad day or two at work but I have learned so much and been able to become more appreciative through them... I honestly wouldn't change any of the processes in my life. There are still a couple of outcomes I am waiting on, hoping against all hope they will eventually change but the processes are what made me who I am and you know what? I kind of like me! haha!  You should like you too by the way! "If you don't have love for yourself, it's impossible to give love to others. You can't give away what you don't have." - Joyce Meyer

So It's not a deep blog today, my thoughts are actually pretty much a paraphrase of some things my pastors wife spoke about last night... But my thoughts are true and if you allow them to make you think a bit these words can and will help you if you're having a bad or rainy day as well!  I love you all and you all will be in my bedtime prayers tonight!  Trust God through the process and just hold on until the sun pierces the clouds.  This bad day has come to pass and God's plan is not over in your life!

And just a little confirmation for us, I just checked twitter to see if I could find a couple of quotes to go along with this little blog... I Hate Quotes just posted this "The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness." — Fjodor Dostojevski


teri-lyn said...

today was a rainy day for me. i'm behind in my blog reading, but this was just what i needed to read at the end of this day. love you lots!

Anonymous said...

I love the fjodor Quote!!!! It really spoke to me, and I'm a HUGE fan of Joyce Meyer as well. She always makes me laugh