Monday, May 9, 2011

Anyone got a Light? Drugs & Jesus

I have a confession to make... I'm a junkie. I don't want to change it, I don't want an intervention and I'm definitely not going to rehab! The only thing I need is my "fix" and my only goal is to become a "dealer" to as many people who need the same "stuff" I do!

I need to be a junkie and so do you!  Completely strung out for Jesus, willing to sell out just to get the next "fix" of his presence!  I want to "trip" on the wonders and miracles in the alter and let the smoke fill the temple! "And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power..." (Revelation 15:8)

So Come on, who's got a light?


Anonymous said...

You made me laugh out loud for real! Who's got a light? Loved it!

Teri-Lyn Stewart said...

marx said "religion is the opiate of the masses." that might well be with some religions that just lull its followers into a lackadaisical stupor, where they languish from lack of doing or really living for God.

i say a relationship with God is the best drug ever!

like one song writer said, i say about God: "your love, your love, your love is my drug"


Greg Hachey said...

I must admit, the title caught me!

Greg Hachey said...

well done by the way

Stephanie Price-Williams said...

I got "the" light. :D