Thursday, March 31, 2011

"If You Haven't Anything Nice to Say...

... Come sit by me." - Alice Roosevelt Longworth

I've heard the above quote paraphrased and added to many times but it quite honestly shocks me it was spoken by a prominent presidents daughter.  Then I read about her on wikipedia and am not as shocked as before...  Anyway, this preface has nothing to do with the blog of the day, I just thought the quote may be a good little opening thought.

Today my blog is taking a break from the usual story → moral → application flow... I want to explain something about myself and this blog only to make myself clear: not because anyone has necessarily been confused but because I feel the need to affirm my position.

I don't know everything!  That's right, a woman admitting (on record none the less) she does not know everything... Ha!  Seriously though, this is a journey for us all and none of us are there quite yet (and will not be until the final breath of life.)  I am not a perfect Christian; if you've been reading correctly you will see mostly I am admitting my wrongs and sharing what I've learned through my own experience... Trying to push you in the right direction without you having to learn "trial and error."

I will send you back to my very first post in 2009 All The Way (WOW! I've been blogging a while now... GO ME!) It tells you the first reason behind my decision to blog and not only to blog in general but to blog in the way I do with the subject content remaining somewhat faithful to one form... I've gone through my share of darkness in life, some caused by my own decisions and actions and some out of my control... I've felt many times like giving up on friends, family, work, myself and God... I've had many questions not only unanswered but, I felt, unaskable (yes, I did just invent my own word but I think you'll get it! ha!) I've needed a friend who would not judge and felt alone... I now write both to help myself (yes, I get help through blogging, there's something to be said about the power of putting the things you've learned and the steps you've taken pen to paper... It somehow solidifies your victories and helps you go deeper into the reasoning behind who you've become and who God is transforming you into) and to hopefully never let any of my readers (or people they know that they send my blog's way) go through the darkness feeling someone else hasn't already been there, never to give up on anyone in their lives including themselves because it's normal to feel but you must rule your emotions instead of allowing them to rule you, not to let anyone feel they have an "unaskable" question and last but not least to make sure everyone who ever reads my blog knows they are not completely alone and even when we can't see or feel God he is there, somewhere.

I know the last two blogs have been a bit soap-box like but I, like Paul, say "Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is..." Philippians 3:14 and sometimes you just have to speak passionately about things going on that simply are not right. (And, as stated above, I am learning through my own writing so I am passionate about the things God is currently dealing with my heart about) No, I'm not an expert but I am the only expert in all things considered "life and lessons of Suzie-K" and I plan to continue sharing in hope that, at least, some portion of my experience and life lessons may be applied to make one of your rough situations, decisions or questions a little bit smoother.

Oh, and, thank you all so much for reading my blogs faithfully!  I appreciate, love and pray for you all (even those of you I don't know) and I wish you much love and success in life!  One thing I would really appreciate is that you click follow and add yourself (I don't even mind if you stay anonymous, it is an option you know!)  I'm a little crazy about blog stats... To the point I check them most every day (yeh, I do) and I would like to know how many of you actually follow weekly other than just by saying "oh, yeh, I always have 3 from China and 2 from Hungary!"

1 comment:

Katricia Joleen Laking said...

Sue-Ann I read your blog the other night and I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed it :) Loved your honesty and willingness to grow...very admirable!