Thursday, February 10, 2011

Badbanana, Grow up!

badbanana "Nothings more dangerous than a traffic cop just going through the motions."

I read this quote on twitter the other day and it got me thinking... I am (and you are) supposed to be directing people to God. "Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism... instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19, msg)

There are times when I don't feel like doing this whole "church business" this "christian experience."  I know that's taboo to say but it's truth nonetheless.  There are times when I am angry, frustrated, hurt, tired and worn out and in those moments I don't feel like watching what I say or how I act... Really if you flip me off because I cut you off in traffic by mistake I really don't feel like sheepishly smiling and mouthing the words "I'm so sorry..." Of course, I wont tell you all what I actually feel like doing, haha!

I've had to make hard decisions in life with regards to people I care about but were dragging me down, "let 'em go and move up with God or continue the low ride?"  I've seen friends have to deny relationships because the other person wasn't willing to grow with God... And like most people, I have been angry about these things.  I have complained to God "It's not fair!" "Why do I/they have to give up a relationship when so-and-so gets anything they want?"  "I'm a good person, I deserve this but you give it to people who don't!"  I'm not going to tackle the answers to those questions, but I am going to give myself and hopefully you a reality check... A slap (just like you feel like giving to the spoiled little princess whining to get her own way... oops, did I say that?! ha!)  I'm going to say to you what God said to me... Take it, think on it, learn from it, apply it!

"GROW UP!"  That's right, in the same tone your parents say things when you get whiny...  "You have a responsibility to other people! You are the only Bible some people around you will ever read... You have to make up for the way other Christians may have treated them in the past... You have to show them my love and if anything you say or do turns someone away from me that's blood on your hands."  I know this seems harsh but it's important and cannot be candy coated to make it taste a little better on the way down...  It sucks that we can't have our ears tickled with the reasons behind every hard decisions but that's just it, those hard decisions are what keep us moving forward.  The hard choices we make in life are steps toward God and since he has given us free will WE are the ones who MUST make those decisions for ourselves, no matter if we have the reasons and explanations we desire or not.  Those are the moments we get to show God how important he and his kingdom is to us.

Moreover, if we refuse to grow up, concentrate on what's really important and take responsibility for our own decisions we end up just going through the motions...  We are directing others but not paying attention to the cars whizzing by  in the opposite direction and sooner or later there is going to be a huge crash!  A crash like that is dangerous to every bystander and involved person...  Crashes can leave people maimed, blinded or worse, deceased!  Not to mention, if you're standing in the middle of the street as a director you are likely to get hit by the tumbling wreck screaming down the road and you could also perish.  I know the thought is a threatening one, but as much as we must be vigilant while directing we also must not just walk off the job in fear and say "Awe, they'll find their way without my help..." or "I can't do this! I'm not equipped to direct the path people take and judge the timing safely."  If we walk off the job either they will not move at all and never get to their destination or they will take a chance on their own vision and timing and potentially have a crash.  If we do make the choice to walk away we are not off the hook of responsibility for the crashes and fatalities, we are scheduled for a job and the boss has it written down.

Listen, I know it's hard to make decisions that seem unfair... To discipline ourselves or to move forward alone, I wouldn't imply anything less.  But sometimes we have to do the hard things because it's all part of growing up.  It's comparable to "pay first, play later" when it comes to finances: we have to "make hard decisions first, reap reward later" spiritually.  People are depending on us, we have a responsibility we cannot shrug off so as Nike would say "JUST DO IT!" Ya feel me?

1 comment:

teri-lyn stewart said...

i commented on "dark like mine," and the comment for this one is the same...

you inspired me to write this post...
