Friday, March 15, 2013

Make a Move or Plug Your Ears

Hi sweethearts! I'm in Florida in vacation right now and just got into my condo unit for the night now.  To be honest I'm not really sure what to write about again tonight but I once read a quote by a philosopher that if you have nothing to write, write that... So... Haha

Actually, I do have a little something, not a big revelation or anything like that, just a nudge... Just want to say let God lead you... Whether, in life in general (we all need that!) or in decision making (and again, something we all need) or ministry or prayer... Just allow Him to lead you! Now, I'm saying this even to those of you who (like me) want God's leading and confirmation in every area of life... I'm writing this to us because even though we desperately desire the Spirit to lead sometimes we get afraid to trust it.  You know that feeling "I hope it's not just me..." Something I heard long ago is instruction to figure out where it's coming from through process of elimination if you have to: first, thoughts only come from one of three places, God, ourselves or satan.  If you're having a thought to do something for someone else, God's kingdom or if you're feeling impressed to pray for someone you can pretty much eliminate Satan, right? Right.  Next ask yourself "is it truly for the good of someone else or God's kingdom? Will it hurt anyone in any way? If the answer there is no, even if it is just you chances are it's still something good to attempt. But just in the interest of truly eliminating the thought coming from you, wouldn't you most likely want the attention that comes along with doing good anyway? Would you be second guessing it or intimidated at all? Probably not because what are second thoughts anyway? Opposition and if its just you and not a God thing, there would be nothing for the enemy to oppose in the first place.  So, if its not Satan and it's not you then it's probably God? That's right, that's where I'm going! Listen, it's scary to do things for God Mose times, stepping out and not knowing what you're landing on is not really something that comes natural to most of us but if you never step out you never get to walk on the waves with Jesus, right? 

What if you make a mistake? Yeh, what if? I'll tell you what, remember elementary school lessons and "try, try again!" In every area of life when you're attempting to increase your skill-set and learning something new there is a curve, you're allowed to make a mistake, it's all part of the process and learning to work for God and learning to follow after the Spirit's leading is the same! God understands a miss-step, He is just looking for someone to keep following Him when he calls. Like a shepherd who constantly corrects the paths of His sheepfold without anger God can correct your steps into the right directional long as you're willing and trying to follow. Another quote I saw this week: "If you want something you've never had, you have to be willing to do something you've never done." So if you're wanting to be used by God you must be willing to do what He asks when He asks you! "Don't ask God to guide your steps until you're willing to move your feet." - unknown. 

So there it is, just be willing. Trust you are hearing from God, He will teach you as you go, you will learn the familiarity of His voice the more you act on what you think He is currently saying, He's not going to tell you more if you're not already following the word He's given you now. Lets go, make a move or plug your ears! 

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