Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Twist & The Challenge

Don't you just love when someone makes you feel like the only person in the room even though you're surrounded by many others?  I suppose it could be horrible if it was because you were being put on the spot or embarassed... But no negatives on this rainy day!  I'm talking about when you feel like the most loved person on earth!  When you know someone is going out of their way just to see you smile and brighten your day.  Those moments when without words being spoken we are shown how much we mean to someone!  I love those times (although, for the record, it's good to confess your feelings... Someone won't read your signs well if you've never actually verbalized any part of your heart yet...)
Lately I've been thinking about these little things a lot... If you read my blog regularily you know I'm big on letting people know they are loved, cared for and considered in my life.  Even though I do my best to show love I don't necessarily expect others to show their love for me to the same extent but I do love when they do!

I had been praying a considerable amount of time for a new level in my relationship... I didn't know what exactly it would entail but I guess I sort of wanted it to go back (in some ways) to the way it used to be. Don't get this wrong, I love the progress we've made and I don't want to lose the maturity I just wanted some of the sensitivity to return... That first love feeling.  Thankfully, over the past month I've been getting just that... But I've found that the things I expected to change haven't; instead, I've been doing some changing of my own. Because I want to improve my relationship I've been putting more time into it... Spending more time reading about how to improve it... Listening to music that reminds me of Him even when I am at work... Going home early just to have some extra quality time... And trying even harder to express my feelings and wants verbally. And the crazy thing is, He hasn't changed at all, He's not doing one thing differently than before but I am so much more inhamered with Him it would most likely make some people ill! haha!

Now, the twist: I'm actually talking about God... When I first turned my life over to God I could sit with Him in silence forever... Sit at the alter long after others had gone... He was in my thoughts continuously... But that had all changed, I spent more time watching tv than sitting with Him, placing my life before His alter and thinking of Him combined... Not because I stopped loving him I had just become complacent.

So here's the Challenge: the exact same challenge I gave to myself... If you love Him and want change or if you just want to get to know Him for yourself, maybe you don't even know you believe any of this and question His existance, no matter the situation the challenge remains... Change yourself, try spending time with Him in silence or listen to Christian music instead of a love song to someone you don't even know or go to the alter at your church this Sunday and stay until you feel God, talk to that God you're not sure exists tell Him if He is real you want to know Him for yourself... He will respond to you! Turn the TV off an hour earlier than normal and READ YOUR BIBLE and PRAY EVERYDAY for at least a week (that one is a guarantee to change)! Remember "No great thing is created suddenly." - Epictetus (as tweeted by Philosophers Quotes so give it at least a week to see the change.  Lastly, let me know if you've taken me up on the challenge and how it's gone for you!

"Prepare for a chance of a lifetime. Be prepared for sensational news. A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer!" - Scar (as tweeted by Disney Words)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You showed your kindness to me yesterday with the quotes :) Thank you and I will accept your challange Sueling :)