Thursday, November 15, 2012

How do I Know?

Hi Guys, today's post is coming to you a little later than normal because there has been another death in my family :o( My last grandparent passed away Tuesday afternoon. However I am writing to you again today about my friend who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia...
I've been thinking a lot about what's going to happen with my friend, how is she so confident she will beat this... I mean we all want her to but I've seen other people who no matter how much they and others wanted and believed... Well, you get that. I prayed about it and asked God to help me be a better friend and believe in the same way she believes that she will beat this.  Maybe my unbelief came from just losing an aunt to cancer, having cancer on both sides of my family and seeing so many others fighting that stupid disease or maybe I'm just cynical... But I got thinking where's the proof?
About two years ago my friend and I often talked about how difficult it was for her to find a job in our city... And really, there was no reason for it, I mean, she has been to university, has an amazing resume, great references and one of the best personalities I've seen in anyone. At one point she even came to help out at my office just for experience's sake. Still, nothing. That's actually why she moved away... Thirteen hours away from her family, friends and church just so she could find a good paying job in her field of work. It was no time of her being there and she landed a great job in her field with lots of room to move up.
And there it is, I was missing it all along! God had a plan and was working on it before we ever had a thought of anything like this! See, that new company she is a part of has a great medical plan and most of her care is being covered... It is only for the Province she is now living in, but in a way that's good because now she has no choice to come home to the comfort of family and friends possibly at the sacrifice of the best medical care. She is actually in the best cancer treatment center in the Country with one of the leading cancer research physicians.
So you see, those few months ago we just couldn't see, couldn't understand why God wasn't answering our prayers for her to land a job in her field here at home... But here at home she would be lucky to even know what was going on with her health in the first place let alone be in such amazing care and being so far along in her treatment! God didn't act according to our plans back then because His plan was much better for her than we could ever hope to think of. God was fighting this battle for her in spite of us and long before she even knew there was a battle going on. And the fact that Jesus had it under control and put all of this in place before we even knew what He was doing and that's how I know that same battle is going to be won by the God who was fighting before we knew there was anything to fight for!
So whatever it is you're going through at this moment in life, whatever it is you don't understand about your plans not coming together how you thought or whatever you're worried about and think is wrong... Stop, take a minute to realize that God really does have it under control even if He seems to be completely ignoring your requests and giving you the opposite of what you're asking for He is working! Maybe it's because you're focused on the wrong thing, maybe he is working on something more important for you that you can't even think of. Maybe, just maybe, God is being the loving father to you that He promised He would be and maybe he's not getting you what you want in the now so He can provide what you need in the future.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts! He knows what's best for us even when it doesn't turn out the way we expected, He doest it WAY better!

Natalie R said...

:) well said

Marie Hayes said...

Inspiring Post SueAnn, loved it!!! :)

laurel o'donnell said...

A wise-hearted post

Joyce Bustard said...

That is one of the best posts. very well said and inspiring. loved it. keep up the good work

Karen Jones said...

Now you are making me cry. Awesome post and like Natalie said "well said"

Katie K said...

Just read your blog post, love it, so true to trust in Him completely

Carol Keetch said...

SueAnn God is in controle of our lives and we sometimes wonder why things are not working out the way we want them to but God does have our best in mind He is the one who is leading His children along some through the fire some through the flood some through great sorrow BUT all through the blood . This is a very inspiring blog keep up the good work God is using you for His glory in your writings.