Thursday, September 5, 2013

How do I know? - The Calling

I read a blog post from (in) a friend posted a link to the other day and I loved it...  It was about God calling you... I found interest in it mostly because it applied to things I've been feeling lately, things I felt God may be doing in my life and fears I've been experiencing... Yes, I fear sometimes, SHOCKER! Anyway, I've been able to talk myself out of most of my fears but I am the kind of person who doesn't like making mistakes -when I was a toddler my mother would sit me down to colour and at the first and slightest mistake outside the lines would ruin the picture for me, I would grab the crayon as tightly as I could, press it to the paper as hard as I could and scribble all over the page - carried over into adulthood (that whole "adult" thing still seems strange when I put myself in that context) I like to try my best to "know" before I "follow" through.  I like to "know" something is God's leading not just my hoping... I like to "know" I can handle the responsibility before making the decision...  But I think the "knowing" part has been the most difficult for me... And if I can't "know" for sure then I'm afraid.
So, as of late, I've been getting the impression that God is starting something new for me, opening up some doors and setting me up for a new season... It's all exciting and I'm thankful, it's been a long time coming but fear tempers all of my excitement and I find myself wishing I was one of those care-free "let's go" sort of people.  Here's the thing, I'm not, God didn't make me that way and even if he had I'm not sure the circumstances of my life would have left me that way and when it really comes down to it, I like the way I am... I like that I am analytical and can usually figure things out and make good choices (usually.) It's just those times when I want God to be the one making the choice with no input from me, none of my own wishes getting in the way of me "hearing" what He wants, I often think "wouldn't it be nice if He just said it out loud..." Then again, that would be terrifying in itself, and would I even know or would I assume I was going insane? I'm always left with the question "without the audible voice of God how do we know He is calling?" Well, I think, and not on my own, I've found the (or at leas an) answer.
PAY ATTENTION!! God speaks softly, we all want a roar - maybe because that's what we are used to from our families, bosses and media - but that's just not how He chooses to speak... "...a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle..." 1 Kings 19:11-13
So if we can't hear His roar how do we tell His voice... First, we have to be quiet... Not just ourselves, but turn off some of the other voices, whether people or media or music, turn off anything that will take your attention away from listening for the whisper.  Second, be patient... God probably isn't going to speak the first time you've ever listened for Him, I mean He may and if He so chooses that's great but usually He makes sure you're sincere about listening and not necessarily because He doesn't know but sometimes to make sure it's as important to us as we think, the Bible instructs us to daily bring our concerns to Him, to keep knocking and He will answer, to pray effectually and fervently and it will avail something. Third, God will never speak in conflict with His Word (the Bible) so if something is leading you away from Him in any way, you can be sure He's not saying "Yeh, right there, that's the road I want you to take!" and sometimes fear is a good time, the Bible says in many places we should do things in fear and/or reverence, that's because it makes you careful... And when you're careful you're less likely to make huge mistakes with your life!  So if you're still not sure, wait, no rush, if God is calling you, He will keep on calling you in the same direction, He will give you confirmations and make you confident in His voice, He does know all of this is a learning process and He wants you to grow so He will teach you!  I'm still learning too, that's why I was so happy in reading that (in)courage blog post I mentioned earlier, it was God confirming He was speaking... That why last night in Bible Study I was so happy to hear my pastor teach (which I am using below) how to know when God is calling... It was confirmation.  God is so willing and patient with us, we just have to return the favour. 
Once you've heard the whisper you must make sure it's Him... And it's quite simple actually, the Bible says His sheep will hear His voice... Not maybe, they will... And how do you know you're His sheep? Well, the "PAY ATTENTION" paragraph is a start... But you love Him, it's not love like we think of today it's deeper... The Bible says we can tell those who love Him because they do his commands John 14:15. So if you are following His word, praying and listening, you will "hear" His voice. The Bible goes on in the same scripture to say He "knows" us and that's not "know" as in "yeh, they look familiar" but as in "I love him/her, we are like brothers/sisters, I can tell him/her anything, we're so close, we have a relationship." So because you're His sheep, you've spent time building a relationship and He knows you, and in return He allows you to know Him.  If you spend enough time with Him you will get to "know" his voice. Lastly that scripture says and they follow me. He will speak when he "knows" you enough to trust you will follow Him; you will "hear" his voice when you have spent enough time with Him to "know" Him. 

Listen, Time, Consistence, Love, Careful, Bible, Know, Follow

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