Thursday, October 4, 2012

I Don't Have Time for This

Random start (as always): I actually got nervous when this page was opening for me to write... Tickle belly and everything... WEIRD. Anyway, on with it.

I noticed something when I was getting into bed one night this week. Something rough brushed up against my leg... NOT NORMAL! The office doesn't make for "hard working" hands and my puppy's fur is soft.  Before I realized what had rubbed my leg I actually got a little freaked out but when I moved my legs back up from under the blankets it happened again and I realized it was my heels! Eeew, I've NEVER had calloused anything and I really didn't like to feel the beginnings! The next day after cleaning up I thought I need to take care of my heels... But I don't have time.  Seriously? That's a total lie I just told myself, I have time I just don't want to do anything with it... Anything.

Honestly, I've been so lazy lately! I just want to crash every night after coming home from work. (As you can probably tell from my late post last week and tonight... Last night I had another thought...  Doing good, two thoughts in a week :oP  ha! How many times do I use lack of time as an excuse? How many relationships of mine have suffered because of the no time excuse? How many people have received my lack of time speech when they needed or wanted something from me? What else do I "not have time" for? (Okay, that's a lot of thoughts. Clearly I'm on my joking game tonight. *now rolling my eyes at myself*) Mostly I thought about one thing I've used that excuse for... I've told myself and God that excuse many, many times only to go on Facebook, Pinterest or watch TV for a couple of hours.  How lame is that?  And the sad thing, although God knew the difference I actually never even thought about it enough to clue into my lie.  Yes, lie. The truth is I have lots of time I'm just tired because of the business of life and I'm lazy... I don't want to do anything. 
Ironic I found this on Pinterest, I know.
I'm sure you can already see the problem with not having time for anything... But, just in case you're left wondering, let's look at it in a different way... If I were married and when my husband came home every night and asked what we were having for supper, if my response was continually "I don't have time to cook" while I sat on my derriere staring at a computer screen not only would I either be obese and unhealthy from never moving and eating ready made junk or emaciated from never eating but my husband may get the impression I didn't care about his hunger and may even stretch his thinking into believing I didn't appreciate his work and care for our household.

And there it is, the questions being posed to us all... Do we care about the hunger, both ours and the hunger of the world around us or are we too busy? Do we appreciate God's work care for us or do we even have time to think about it? The truth is our business and lack of time are excuses, even if we are busy there are non necessities we can and should be cutting out in order to make time for the important things.  So if you cut the excuses out you have to get honest, do you care about the hunger? Are you appreciative of God's work and care? The thing is, the Word of God is called the Bread of Life because it's the only thing that can feed spiritual hunger. Not only must we partake but we must carry it with us, in our hearts and minds, to give to the starving people that cross our paths on a daily basis.  And appreciation should never be bottled up inside, as you know, I'm a advocate of telling people how you feel and it should be no different when it comes to God! Spend some time with Him, tell Him you appreciate Him, better yet, show Him you appreciate Him with dedication and time.

I think maybe part of the problem is we've forgotten how to sacrifice. During the old testament times people couldn't even get close to God's presence without a sacrifice but through the blood of Christ the final sacrifice for sin has been made and we can freely enter into His presence. But are we missing something? There were many different kinds of sacrifices throughout the Bible, not only for sin. While I thank Jesus for the cross, I must not neglect sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15,) thankfulness (Psalm 50:14...) I must never abandon the evening sacrifice (Psalm 141:2,) I must not offer to God that which has cost me nothing. (2 Samuel 24:24)


Anonymous said...

Another good read.

Anonymous said...

Had to read this again, time for me to slow down