Thursday, September 13, 2012

Where one thing falls

Have you ever put something in a "certain spot" while saying to yourself okay, now I'll know where to find it only to realize you forget where that "certain spot" was when you actually do go looking for it? I do that quite a bit and frankly sometimes I worry about the state of my memory because of it.  I hate that feeling of something being lost, feeling like I will never get it back.  I know, considering it's usually something small like my comb I use when my hair is wet, it would probably be just as easy to use a pick comb and then buy a newer/better comb for wet hair the next time I wander to Wal-Mart but giving up and saying that's the end of that just seems like defeat.

In life, there are choices we make ourselves and then there are some made for us... Sometimes things are lost on us and we really have no ability to change that. There are people, situations, opportunities that just seem to disappear from us and it's beyond our understanding why not to mention beyond our control to stop it.  Sometimes things are taken away. And I know, it's hard not to fight that, it's hard to trust it's the right thing at that time but sometimes - like my comb - it's better to just let go, find something else and trust something better will come along in our future.

We are always saying little catch phrases like "it was just meant to be" or "that was totally a God thing" even "it was fate!" Whatever you call it I've realized that we only really are good at trusting it after something good has happened... And that's not trust at all, that's just life's rolling credits after the event.  When something good is happening we always give credit but if it is something we've lost or someone who has stepped away from us we automatically think we've hit bad luck, we are being attacked or everything is crashing down when in reality we should be giving the same credit for those things we perceive to be bad making room for more growth and goodness!  Sometimes present things and people have to get cleared out of our lives a bit to make room for what's coming our way... But if we hold onto what's comfortable for us we can never have free hands to grasp what's best for us! Maybe it was "meant to be" for a season and maybe that "God thing" was just something to keep you busy until the total plan is revealed... Maybe "fate" was trying to get you to teach that person to fly on their own not hold them so tightly you crush their wings... There are seasons in life and relationships and seasons change.

Next time you feel someone backing away or that door of opportunity you were about to walk through seems to close in your face look around... It may just be winter giving way to spring in your journey.  God may be doing a spring clean to get you ready for all the summer company.  Open yourself to being okay with the taking away as much as your okay with the giving God brings.  Open your heart to trust, love completely even if it ends tomorrow! 

And lastly, I'd like you to remember this little quote that inspired this whole post "Where one thing falls, another grows. Maybe not what was there before but something new and wonderful all the same." - Bambi's Mother, Bambi (as tweeted by Disney Words.) I think what she is saying is "don't be sad over what's lost, be expectant and excited trusting there is more to come in the future!


Carol said...

Great job lots of good to think on.

Anonymous said...

Very teary. This hit close to home. I've read many of your blogs and enjoyed them but this one "spoke" directly to me. Thank you.