The other night as I was drifting off to sleep my state of serenity was interrupted by this conversation:
"We haven't talked lately" - God
"Oh I've been talkin'..." -me
"And pausing... every once in awhile." -God
Have you ever been in mid-conversation with someone and, either because there is dead silence and a look of disdain or because the other person said something completely random to bring you back to this hemisphere, realized you've been doing all the talking. Not because the other person hasn't anything to say but because both of you know that a "pause" and a "listen" are not the same thing and you weren't really listening for response even if that person were to offer up life changing perspective... No, no, you were "politely" pausing because that is what we are trained to do... Politely pausing, by the way, is not actually polite. Well, the "Polite Pause" conversation is kind of what just happened between God and I... He brought me back down (or up) to His hemisphere with just two sentences.
So the question is: how have your conversations with God been lately? "Polite pausing" between your requests, suggestions on how He should run the show of your life; dare I say demands for Him to fulfill or are you really listening to His life changing perspectives on your situations and ideals?
Hopefully my sharing of "The Polite Pause" conversation makes you think before your next conversation... And not think only but cut out the "polite pauses" of all your conversing, actually listening to what people and God have to offer! "But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." (James 1:22)
I do that all the time... My mind is always somewheres else, Half the time I don't even think I just blankly stare. I love the last verse that you put at the bottom of your blog (James 1:22). I've been fooling myself for way too long.I use to have a great relationship with God. I was very proud of my realationship. I use to be able to talk to him and actually hear a response. Now I feel a darkness looming and I don't know where it has come from. I try to talk but there are times when I don't know what to say because I know I've already said it before and I always end up messing up. I lost the spark inside of me. I stopped reading the Bible and barely put any thought into my prayers anymore, when I actually say them that is. I am scared to talk to God until I get myself back together. I know what I need to do, I just can't find the motivation to do it.
That's the great thing about Jesus! He died when he knew we were not perfect, we were at our lowest point and he still saw promise and change in our future! If you wait until you're all "put together" or "good enough" to talk to Him again you never will... The point of this blog is to show everyone that none of us are perfect or good enough bur we are still loved by God! It is like when you're married, your spouse doesn't gave to be perfect for you to love them and vice versa, the live makes you look past the imperfections and allow them room to work on them! Just make a step toward Him, talk to Him and listen for Him! He loves you and isn't surprised you're not perfect He's just looking for your love and for you to not give up on yourself or your relationship!
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